Friday, April 18, 2008

An ordinary trip to the zoo...

So today we decided to take advantage of a rare afternoon off and go to the zoo. It started off a pretty normal family outing... we saw stingrays, we climbed the giraffe tower, Emily was scared during both of these experiences... and we also discovered the prophetically named (by Emily) "ninja birds". They are the ordinary smallish crow-looking birds with extraordinary powers to stealthily swoop in and steal your sandwich scraps.

And then the fun started. While playing on the playground Caitie stepped on a toothpick-sized splinter. "Mom, it's going to hurt when you pull that out," she said to me (duh). I pulled it out...she totally fainted.

I had no idea that real-life people actually passed out over minor injuries. The family drama-queen gene has apparently not skipped over Cait, as we had previously imagined. Another not-so-typical-typical day for the Buhanans.

And I was worried I'd have nothing to write about....


Unknown said...

OH man! Poor Caitie :(

Diana said...

She's fine now...and she's been relishing telling the story to her friends.

Unknown said...

Apparently she DOES take after you... heheheh.